The Chambers of John Gardiner QC, 11 New Square, Lincoln’s Inn is delighted to announce that Hui Ling McCarthy has joined chambers from 11 December 2015.
Formerly of Gray’s Inn Tax Chambers, Hui Ling appears regularly in significant, high value cases. Notable recent cases include: acting for the taxpayers in WHA (Supreme Court); representing the pension trustees in Equity Trust Singapore Limited (Court of Appeal); representing the Chartered Institute of Taxation in Lobler (Upper Tribunal) and securing what the Financial Times called an “important legal victory” for the government in the SDLT avoidance case, Vardy Properties. Hui Ling also advises a wide range of corporate and private clients. Recent corporate work includes capital allowances, loan relationships and company reconstructions. Recent private client work includes tax issues concerning sportsmen, entertainers, partnerships, pensions, investment and remuneration.
Hui Ling was Chambers and Partners’ Tax Junior of the Year in 2013 and is the only member of a specialist tax set on the Attorney General’s A-Panel of Counsel.
John Gardiner QC, Head of Chambers, said “We are very pleased to welcome Hui Ling to Chambers and are confident that she will provide the same excellent skills in advice and advocacy for which these Chambers have been known for over 150 years.”